Breakthroughs for Freedom on Policy Fronts
A Memo on What Works

By Andrew Eiva
Washington DC

1. Decades of acquiescence to the Assad regime appeared to end with the appointment of Ambassador Robert Ford, who rhetorically champions Syria's human rights and criticizes regime abuses publicly, at least when he is in front of Congress. If this turns out to be authentic, it may be a policy domino which ends the U.S. government's backdoor acquiescence to the Tehran regime, such as last year's apparent CIA acquiescence in the kidnapping of the resistance leader of the Iranian Baluch in Kandahar.

2. Three political appointees, Samantha Power, Susan Rice, and Hillary Clinton, bypassed the State Department career bureaucracy to support a policy of regime change and air strikes against Qadhafi. This apparent covert operation reportedly included British, French, Qatari Special Forces and a training camp in Qatar.

3. The apparent support by the Emir of Qatar for the Libyan resistance also included a shift in Al Jazeera coverage in several unexpected ways, such as the sympathetic coverage of demonstrations against the Caliph in Bahrain and exposing the recent brutality of the Arabist regime in Khartoum in the Nuba mountains.

4. The State Department turned against Egypt, a regime that was a much more reliable friend and a much more grateful recipient of aid than Pakistan. Egypt's army, like that of Pakistan, is still a state within a state, and the Pakistani junior officers will be watching closely how their Egyptian counterparts fare in the new environment.

5. The American interest in the success of freedom movements is natural because of America's own birth in insurgency. But after World War II, a status quo attitude entrenched itself in the State Department and the CIA which led to nearly 40 years of retreat and defeat in the face of communism, which took over the inborn desire of people to be free with its own theory of social justice until it collapsed in its contradictions. This aberration in American policy festered until a handful of American patriots challenged the status quo attitude in the bureaucracy under President Reagan, while the Afghan resistance fought back against the Red Army on the ground.

Communism died and 20 new countries were reborn in the ruins of the Soviet empire, resulting in a new freedom to speak and travel for hundreds of millions of people. Along with the new free nations and the collapse of the Cold War, globalization, free trade, and the Internet revolution created new wealth at a pace unseen before in history. Hundreds of millions of people climbed into the middle class in India and China.

The Reagan and Bush tax cuts may have been the cornerstone of this growth, with 40 trillion dollars in wealth created by the American economy from 1991 to 2005. This appears to have been the locomotive driving another 100 trillion in growth beyond America's borders.

But the obsolete status quo orientation in Washington continued until now, supporting dictators and betraying those fighting for freedom until the march of history began forcing the bureaucracy's hand in the past year. Four powerful elements intertwine in Washington to benefit and profit from the status quo with tyrants; the State department, K Street, the CIA, and the military-industrial complex.

The fresh historic wave of freedom is a new chance for Americans to dislodge this pernicious and entrenched element of America's ruling class. If we do so, America and the cause of freedom around the world could take another wondrous leap forward.

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